Sunday 13 December 2015

MADVENT DAY 13: Favourite Christmassy Lunch

This is definitely one of the stranger Madvents... Today I thought I'd show you a typical christmassy lunch in the Harper household. Christmas is the time for cheese and we tend to stock up and basically just eat it everyday. 
My personal favourite christmassy lunch is a brie and redcurrant jelly toastie. Fabulously easy to make, literally all you have to do is slice up the brie and whack some redcurrant jelly onto two slices of bread.

We use a toasty maker that we've had for a few years, and all it takes is a few minutes sizzling away in there. If you don't have a special machine or anything, I'm pretty sure this can be done on the grill, but might take a little longer.

Being a bit of a cheese fiend, I love this meal, especially when the brie is really gooey and lovely... Thats the best.

Our Sunday lunches are always pretty hectic and mis-matchy, and nobody ever has the same as anybody else. You can see my lil bro with his tuna melt in the background, and a bowl of bacon rasher crisps... Crisps are the one thing we all love, so most weekends there'll be a bowl out during lunch with various different flavours each week.
What's your favourite lunch? I'd love to know!

Song of the Day - Ady Suleiman // State of Mind


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