Friday 11 December 2015

MADVENT DAY 11: Treat Yo Self

I think we all know that Christmas is the time for treats, but you may not know that it can be a really bad time for people suffering with depression and mental health issues. This is why I think that it is important to be kind to yourself and do the things that you love. 
Take that bath that you know relaxes you to your very core. 
Eat the cake that you've been craving. 
Google pictures of cute dogs.
Light that candle and relax. 
Take the time to make yourself happy. 

This is definitely something that I don't do enough of, and recently it's caught up on me and I just haven't been feeling whole. It's easy to forget about yourself and work on helping other people and other things. Although it is lovely to see other people happy, it's important for you to be happy as well.
To try and demonstrate this, I've lit my favourite candle, got myself a nice plate with a chunk of rocky road and I've whacked on the TV (Misfits, if you're interested!) Please join me today, whenever you read this, and do something that makes you happy. 

Song of the Day - Justin Bieber // Love Yourself


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