Tuesday, 31 May 2016


So here's a thing that has been a huge issue for me for most of my life, and I know there are millions of others that feel the same way as I do, so I feel that I should address it.
I have never been one of those people who can just walk into a room full of strangers and get on with it. I am the one who gets too intimated to even act natural and ends up walking funny or putting on an accent, and I don't know why because it's not as if it helps in any way. I don't mean to do it, I am just incapable of taking new situations in my stride. This has meant that moving up through school has been quite difficult, and the transition has resulted in the evolution of several different 'Molly's'.
Primary school was a pretty simple time, as our village school is tiny and everybody is friends with everybody. There weren't really any cliques or stereotypical school groups, and all 16 of us in the year were buddies. I didn't know quite how bad my issues with confidence were back then. I mean, I was always quite a chubby child, and I knew that I looked different to the other girls in my year, and I had to have a different shape of summer dress to 'hide my tummy'. It didn't really bother me then because it didn't change people's opinions of me and it didn't affect how we all socialised. After all, we were just children.
But then high school rolled around. I knew it was going to be hard because throughout the whole of year 6, our lovely teacher had been preparing us for the change, trying her hardest to emphasise quite how tiny our school of less than 100 was, compared to the high school with around 300 in year 7 alone. I never really expected to be separated from Hattie, and I sort of just thought that we would be put in the same form, as we'd been together for everything the whole time that we'd known each other. I remember the day that we found out what forms we would be in and how we rang each other, me being completely confident that she too would have '7LJP' printed on her letter. I think thats why it affected me so badly, and the tears that followed were huge and heavy and filled with absolute fear. If we weren't going to be in the same form, I wouldn't have any friends in any of my lessons for a whole year. Right now it seems so silly, having gone through five years of high school and knowing that it turns out absolutely fine and that we're now closer than ever, but little 11 year old Mol was having absolutely none of it.
Year 7 was a pretty poor time for me. I managed to meet up with Hattie every break and lunchtime, and soon she started bringing along Clem, who also happens to be incredibly lovely and beautiful and we've come all this way together. But I was still alone for all of my lessons. I remember being incredibly quiet and lonely and only spoke if I was spoken directly to. Unfortunately, it was only really teachers that spoke to me, so I was left being the weird silent kid that was wholly avoided. As the year went on, Hattie then introduced me to Ellie, another lovely human being, and despite being polar opposites, her being one of the cool kids, good at sport and maths and pretty much anything that you threw at her, we became good friends, and then even better friends, and now I know that I could not live my life without her.
Yet I still hadn't made any friends of my own. I knew Ellie had a sister, Holly, who was in my form. They are pretty similar (and I don't know if this will offend them, sorry guys) so I was a little nervous to approach her, and it was that kind of awkward 'well I'm friends with your sister and I know I should be friends with you but I'm too shy' feeling. Anyway, I can't remember at all how we came to be like we are now, but I have something so special with Hol that I can't put into words, but I just love her so much.
(I'm getting all gushy now, and we're not even into the juicy bits yet)
This is how we continued for most of year 7 and 8, just the five of us, and we were happy. I was always kind of aware that they were there for Hattie though, and that I was just the extra, the freebie that came with Hat. It was sort of like a buy one get one free deal, except you didn't get the choice to just buy the one. I didn't know what it was that made me feel that way, but thats just how I felt. Looking back, I can see that it wasn't the case (I hope anyway), and that they were there for me too... I just needed a few years to realise it.
It was around this time that I started to get incredibly self conscious about my body. I went from being the kind of chubby that your parents think "It's ok, she'll grow out of it in a few years' to completely out of control. I was gaining weight and growing outwards instead of upwards. I knew it was a problem but I kept eating, and kept making myself more and more unhappy. I was comparing myself to all of the people around me, specifically my friends with gorgeous figures. It only got worse as we grew up, when they got boobs and curves and taller. I got boobs and curves too, only mine were huge and not how I wanted them. 
I was quite happy in my school uniform, as it was quite large and covered everything and everybody was dressed the same, so it didn't matter that it wasn't cool, because I was blending in. PE was one of the times that I dreaded the most, because it meant getting changed in front of a fairly large portion of the girls in our year. I don't really think anybody cared about how anybody else looked, but I managed to get it into my head that I was a laughing stock, and went to great lengths to just get changed as quickly as I could... Not that the PE kit was any better.
Non-uniform days were quite the stresser too. Being the oldest child, I didn't have an older cool sibling to tell me what to avoid at all costs and what would give me the street cred. I was left to my own devices and regret it hugely. I soon cottoned on to the fact that Hollister and Jack Wills were the brands that ultimately scored you all of the popularity points, and this just made the situation worse for me. You see, I couldn't wear these brands because they just wouldn't fit. This did wonders for my confidence, as you can imagine.
Year 9 was another huge change for me. Why? Being honest, it wasn't even that big of a change. It was the year that we started our GCSE courses, and we were able to only take the subjects that we wanted, which was fab because it meant no more crappy music or history lessons, but it also meant that we were forced to mix with the other side of the year. This was a huge problem. For starters, there were so many people that I just didn't even know existed, so striking up a conversation or even attempting to make friends was not going to happen. 
One good thing to come out of this was that I was put into a geography class with Hat and El, which helped tremendously, and I reckon could have been one of the reasons that I've grown so attached to the subject. We also met a lovely pair of lads in this group that really truly have affected me more than any others, but I'll get back to these because I've got lots more soppy things to say about them.
Year 9 was the year that I realised that I was actually growing up, and my attitudes towards everything were changing. It was almost overnight, but I became so emotional and constantly on edge, nervous and even more shy. I still am an emotional wreck most days, but I've just learnt to accept it. However, back then, accepting it was the last thing I was willing to do. I managed to create this impression that I was some stone cold witch woman, and someone that just didn't have feelings. I know that I was fooling absolutely no-one, but I managed to convince myself, and for a while, I think it helped with confidence. I started to think more about the things that were stopping me from being who I wanted to be, and began to control them. I started listening to music that I liked, instead of what the radio told me that I should like, and I started wearing clothes that I felt fitted more with my style. I got my ears pierced and started wearing makeup, and even rolled my kilt up every now and again. (although I would never admit it)
Things seemed to be getting better for me, and for a while, I was loving life! I had made two more good friends in this time, Sophia and Lucy, who probably won't mind me saying this, but they never really got on together, even though they both seemed to get on so well with me. We're still going strong, so that's fab.
The summer holidays in-between year 9 and 10 was pretty awful. It is the time that I remember feeling quite grown up, and thinking in a way thats similar to how I think now... You know how your thoughts kind of change and mature with you? Thats kind of what I mean. Anyway, I realised that I was actually nearly an adult and my parents started to expect more responsibility for me, and I reckon it all just got too much, and I started to get panic attacks. I was literally getting them every few days in that 6 week period, so I started to actually think about things and came to a few conclusions:

1. I am incredibly emotional and there's just no point in pretending anymore
2. I get borderline obsessive over everything, from people to completely inanimate objects... I still haven't quite got over my obsession for Scooby Doo
3. None of my friends were actually friends that I had made for myself, they were made and maintained through Hattie
4. I was lonely.

I realised that I had become so attached to my friends and the lovely people around me at school that I couldn't handle six weeks without them. I still do get lonely and hate long holidays, especially when we have no plans and I know that I won't see people for ages. If you read our group chats (which I 100% would not recommend) you'll find lots of dead plans to meet up, and ideas that never really saw the light of day. I understand that not everybody always wants to go out, or can afford to go out, and I know that I suggest things so often, and I completely do not mean to pressure people with my constantly wanting to do things.
Anyway, I was so excited to go back into year 10 and see everyone again, and I think this was the point where I really began to appreciate every relationship that I had, and I hate the phrase, but I 'came out of my shell'. I made friends for myself, or at least, that's how I see it.
The two chaps that I mentioned before from geography became a huge part of my life in this year. I started to find a little bit of confidence and speak to them, admittedly, sometimes about things that were COMPLETELY inappropriate and obscene, but that seemed to work and we became closer and closer. One of them was in my science group, which we just happened to have a lesson for everyday, and we were seated next to each other in each lesson, so we very soon became very close and I formed a somewhat worrying obsession over him. I'm pretty sure he knows, but I love him and I won't go any further than that.
He was a friend that I made completely by myself, through my own efforts and I was not willing to let that go. This led me to one of my most fabulous ideas ever in the world. Seriously, I'm so proud of this idea. I'm still well chuffed when I think about it now. 
It came to me when we were at Hattie's, just playing on the Wii. We happened to be playing the bowling game, which is almost 100% where the idea came from, but I just thought:
So we did! To my surprise, everybody actually seemed well up for it, so me Hat, Hol, El, the two lads, plus Oscar and Finn, went bowling. It was my first proper trip with a group of people that I didn't know well... I had barely spoken to Finn or Oscar before, but I managed ok and actually must have been normal, because we stayed friends for quite a while. 
However, as year 11 passed, my science buddy became the only one from the boys that I was still very close with, although we did keep in touch with the others. Year 11 was a SUPER EMOTIONAL time for me, as I'm sure it was for most. I don't remember much apart from stress around exam time, and absolute bliss afterwards. But the end of year 11 brought with it heaps of stress and nerves. I had to try and find a ball dress. I had an absolute nightmare when looking for a dress. I'd always imagined that by the time year 11 rolled around, I would have lost a load of weight and I'd have my dream figure and a hot date and perfect hair and makeup. It was, in fact, quite the opposite. I spent months ordering dresses and sending them back because I couldn't get them done up, or because they made me look incredibly short or emphasised my huge boobs or hips of whatever the hell else. Eventually, I found a short navy strapless dress. It was plain and boring and I wasn't completely happy with it, and it didn't even fit me very well, but it was the best thing I had tried, so I kept it. 
When the day finally arrived, I was so excited but very unhappy with how I looked. I sort of just got on with it and smiled through the picture taking all day, knowing that I wouldn't be happy when the pictures came through, but I can't argue that I wasn't immensely happy that day. There was the looming feeling of 'some of these people I will literally never see again after today', but that didn't really apply as much to me, because all of my friends were staying on at sixth form with me.
Sixth form.
Oh boy, here we go.
For the first term of sixth form, I absolutely hated it. I didn't like the fact that everything had changed, and there were external students and we were mixed with the year 13's, and the teachers expected you to be completely ok with presentations and speaking in front of the whole class, and the teachers didn't know you personally, or know your abilities, and everything just sucked in general. It made it worse that there is a canteen open all day right in the middle of the common room. I don't think I've ever put on weight as quickly as I did in the first few months of year 12, getting to be the biggest form of myself I have ever been. 
After christmas, I realised my love for geology, and especially my geology teacher. He is such a lovely man and he's so genuinely there for us to succeed. A geology trip to Arran changed my life completely. Firstly, I would be spending the whole week with Hol and Clem, both of whom I love dearly, but also my two geography buds and their incredibly sexy friend, I was so nervous to be spending the whole week with him, but it actually turned out fab. It started off pretty rocky, when on the train ride I managed to nervously slip back into my Australian accent and annoy the hell out of him, but after that, we were put in the same group for our various expeditions every day, and I actually acted like a regular human being around him and we got on pretty well. He knew that I fancied the pants off of him, but that didn't seem to make much of a difference, and it was all ok. Since then, I've actually had quite a few regular conversations with him, which I'm quite proud of.
This trip also made me realise my complete love for Holly. She's so lovely and beautiful and special and bloody hilarious. I honestly don't know how it took me five years to realise it hol, but you're honestly the best and I just love you so much.
This trip was also so so special because it was the first time that I ever properly got to know the other geography bud (I know it feels horribly impersonal and rude to call him this but I don't know that he wants his name out). He was with me for the entire trip and I don't even know how but we just got so close and ended up being best friends without even realising. He gave me the first proper hug that I ever really had. I was wholeheartedly upset and in all sorts of a mess, and he just pulled me in and hugged me tighter than anybody ever done before. I've never really been one for physical contact, and especially not hugs, but he knows when you need them and he makes everything better. 
I would put him as one of the main reasons that I have changed so much in the past six months. I have become so much more confident and happy and it's all down to him. We seem to just completely click and get on and match each other perfectly. Obviously I can't speak for him, but I just love to have him around. He has such a calming presence and peaceful touch, and I just want to spend as much time as I possibly can around him. 
After the trip, I got home and things got very bad. I wouldn't say that I've experienced depression before, but this was definitely the closest I've got to it. It was honestly scary. I wasn't myself, and I just felt empty and sad and ate more and more, I stopped caring about school or what I looked like and eventually, even seeing the faces of the people I loved didn't help to make me feel any better. 
I never considered hurting myself in the way that some might, but in a way, I still was. I was eating and eating and I knew it was breaking my body but it didn't stop me. 
It took the most unexpected experience to sort me out. All it took was for an hour in the common room, one free with him. I can't even remember what we did or talked about or anything, but I remember walking out of that room, into geology and feeling like everything had shifted, and I was me again. I have him to thank for an awful lot, and I don't think I'll ever be able to explain all of this to him, because I don't even understand it myself. 
Theres something about him that just completely fills me confidence and self worth and makes me feel like I can actually achieve anything. Strangely, I also feel like I can wear anything around him. He is a judgement free zone, and I'll tell you what: this has helped endless amounts with body confidence and accepting myself for the size I am and what I look like. To you it may seem like nothing, but I was able to wear a crop top to school the other day. Thats something I never thought I'd be able to say. I am finally feeling that confidence and positivity thats allowing me to wear what I want to wear and feel beautiful in it. (I think there's going to be a follow up post about this, I just need a sunny day for pictures first :) )
I recently spent a beautiful night with him and our geography friend, and it was one of the best nights I've had in my life. I was just so happy, and that's all I ever want to be. They make me happy, as well as all of the other truly wonderful friends that I have in my life, and I just don't know what I would do without them.
I've come to a point in my life where all I want to do is be happy. I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep myself happy, whether that's through pestering friends to stay and go out with me, or wearing whatever the hell I want. I am going to put my happiness and mental wellbeing before all those other less important things going on in my life, and I am going to be happy.


Monday, 30 May 2016

May Favourites 2016

HEY HEY HEY GUESS WHO'S BACK! It's me. I'm back and exam free and a hell of a lot happier than ever before.

I seem to recall being in an incredibly similar situation last year where exams took over and stress consumed me and the blog took a back seat, but then we whipped back into action with a May favourites, photographed poorly in a dirty window, and it looks like that's exactly what's happening again now!
This month's favourites are predominantly makeup based, as it's all I've really had a chance to enjoy during the exam period... 


Bourjois Paris - City Radiance Skin Perfecting Foundation

I have to be completely honest and admit that this is completely the wrong shade for me now, with a little bit of a tan, but also when I'm pale in the middle of winter. I bought the shade 01 - Rose Ivory for the Sixth Form Ball and I'd tried it out in Boots and thought 'yes this has got to be it, perfect first foundation'
I was so very wrong.
I soldiered on and wore it for the ball, completely regretting it the whole time, and I haven't been able to wear it as a full face foundation since.
So, you may be wondering "Mol, why the hell is it in a favourites?"
I'll tell you why, curious reader!
It just so happens to be absolutely fab as an under-eye concealer. As it is so pale and light, it works perfectly to brighten underneath the eyes, so I've been using it for this for a while and I'm really loving it. It's also been pretty useful to use for a bit of extra coverage on my forehead, where once a month ;) we get very spotty and gross, so I just slap a bit on there and it covers that up nicely.

MUA - Undress Your Skin Highlighter 

Cheap as chips but oh so gorgeous. This only cost £3 from Superdrug and I immediately fell in love with it. I bought it in the shade Pink Shimmer, which literally does exactly as it says on the tin. Its a beautiful bold pink shimmer. It's an incredibly pigmented and long lasting highlighter and I just love it. I've never owned a powder highlight before so I'm not really sure what brush is best to apply it with, so I've been using a foundation brush and it seems to be working pretty well... If you have any actual idea please let me know!

Soap & Glory - Wonderbronze Highlight and Sculpt Cheek Stick

I suppose this is a kind of cream contour stick, but with an extreme shimmer. I love it for an everyday quick contour, where I literally just whack a stipe under my non-existent cheekbones and blend with a huge fluffy brush and I'm good to go. But also, you can really build up the colour, making it perfect for a heavier look, which I have also tried and tested, and can confirm that it is perfect for parties!

Clinique - High Impact Mascara

This is a tiddly freebie that came with a Clinique order of my mum's and I LOVE IT! I know that I've said before that I've found my holy grail mascara but that has been severely and unceremoniously shoved out of its place by this little bad boy. Seriously, this just makes my lashes look so damn good. So long and luscious. It doesn't add much extra volume but it does absolute wonders for the length, especially if you have little stubby blonde lashes like me.


Adidas Superstars

If you know me well then you'll probably know that I have literally no clue about what shoes are cool. I usually just buy what I like and hope for the best, and this is exactly the case with these. I was just innocently browsing Asos and came across these and ordered them without thinking. Turns out that they're apparently quite cool and since then, I've seen them on everybody's feet everywhere.
I've never really been one for trainers but ohmygosh they are so comfy, like trotting around on a cloud. 


Urban Outfitters - Glitter polaroid frame

This is quite possibly one of the cutest frames I've ever seen ever. It's pretty simple, with just a slot in the back for a polaroid to fit, and it has an extended front filled with some kind of liquid and lots of silver glitter! Its so cute! I just love it.

Ok that's all for favourites this month, but I plan to be back very soon and I've got lots of ideas for the next few weeks, so I'll see you again soon!

James Morrison // You Give Me Something


Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Hi there. It's not Molly (J to let ya know). When I said to Molly, “can I write this blog?”, she did not look too happy and did a kinda disapproving face (why I say why?!)  But I did it anyway. I live life on the edge.

Anyway, so today is 20th April, aka Mol appreciation day. Now y'all obvs here coz you wanna appreciate Molly's writing, so why not just appreciate her whole being while we're at it. 

There is no need for me to blah blah blah about how she's pretty good at art, a small amount beautiful, and I guess she has been funny about once in her life, so instead I will talk about the more interesting stuff.  Here we go…
1.     Her thumb is so small that you will probs see it in a museum in a jar in the future...that is if we are able to capture it coz it is a quick mover I tell ya.
2.      Her shi-shoo moves are adequate... :/
3.     She is a bit of a photographer. Some people think it's creepy (or even....peepy), but we get some pretty good snaps at the end of the day, so I guess we forgive her.
4.     When she wears her dungarees, she looks a bit like the Easter bunny…..albeit quite a cute Easter bunny.
5.     Her dance moves are actually on point. I feel like using sarcasm right now would just not be appropriate. I gotta tell you it like it is. A bit o’ salsa, a bit o’ disco…even some line dancing every now and then.
6.     One cannot describe the faces that come with the dancing.  No comment lads.
7.     Her eyebrows have really come into their own this year, beaming rays of sunshine they are.
8.     Her wit has increased significantly this year…I would say it was almost on par with mine.  So that’s pretty high.
10.     We love Mol

Ta da!
Ps. I hope I get a pat on the knee for this

Hat's special song of the day - Shakira // Hips Don't Lie

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Let me take you to... Iceland!

So, we got back from Iceland yesterday and I'm already desperate to go back. There honestly isn't much I can say to do it any justice. Even the pictures don't quite show how amazing it was, but here's a taste of what we got up to...
(sorry for the loooong post)

I just don't know what to say, so I'll end it here
Song of the Day - Lukas Graham // Drunk in the Morning


Friday, 25 March 2016

You're making me BLUSH

Spring is finally here and we're kicking off the new season with a selection of lovely blushes to spice things up a bit.
I never usually bother with blushes in Winter because, being honest, the cold does it for me. However, as the warmer weather slugs it's way towards us, I'm breaking out the blushes. Here are 5 of my faves...
(I'd also like to apologise for my painty fingers in these pictures, which I totally didn't realise until now... But this does lead me quite nicely onto my sorry excuse for being absent for ages. I've just had so much work to do and couldn't balance it all out, but its ok because I'm back now lads)

Bobbi Brown - 15 Desert Rose 
I have no idea how long this blush has been around, but it certainly isn't new. My mum bought it years ago and hated it, but kept it for when I grew up, and luckily I just happen to have grown up loving makeup, so it's now all mine.
It's not a very pinky pink, but it's also quite a pink blush, as far as blushes go. It's very easy to wear, and it's one of those products that you can just put on and you know it'll look ok without you having to do much to it.

Benefit - Dallas blush
This is one of the more bronze toned blushes, which I think could be why I like it so much. It's got a slight shimmer, which kind of acts as a highlighter as well, so its an excellent all round face product.

Kiko - 228 Infinity (eyeshadow)
I know that this looks terrifying, and you're probably thinking 
"Jeez mol, why would you ever want to put that on your face?"
I completely understand. When I bought it, I was a bit worried to even put it anywhere near my eyes. However, I actually think that it looks better as a blush than it does as an eyeshadow. cRazy stuff. As long as you go gently, it gives a really lovely pink glow.

Benefit - Benetint lip and cheek stain
Another scary one. I'd never have picked this product up in a shop and though "oh yeah, thats got to be for your cheeks" but somebody at Benefit clearly thought it was a good idea. I must admit, I'm really not that sure about it as a blush, but I quite like it as a lip stain (It tastes gross though)
I've never been able to get it on without it looking like a paint-by-numbers, and for me, it just doesn't blend in right.

Benefit - Dandelion and CORALista
The best of both worlds! This mix of the two blushes came as part of one of the sets they released at Christmas, and it's a pretty perfect combination. Unfortunately, as you might be able to see, I CRACKED IT! (Cry) I was desperately trying to get it out go the tin so that I could show it on its own, and I just felt it go, so I gave up and tried to smoosh it back into place. 
Dandelion is the pinker one on the left, and it's the one that I prefer of the two, but I think the idea is that you swirl them together and whack em on your cheeks. I think the little leaflet that comes with it suggests that you sweep it all over your face, but I'm not really into the tomato-ey look, so I just stick to my cheeks, but thats up to you.

What do you think?
Song of the Day - Robbie Williams // Rock DJ


Thursday, 18 February 2016

Makeup Haul!

I'm back! Firstly, I need to apologise for my absence over these past few weeks... I initially planned to organise myself so that there was a post that went up the day before I went off to Arran, and then I planned to continue as normal once I got back... Unfortunately, I found myself in a slump after the return. I just had such a lovely time with so many lovely people that I came back with no motivation. But it's ok because I'm back now!
I've been collecting up all of my new beauty bits and bobs since Christmas, until I eventually had enough to use for a decent sized haul. I'm now left with no money, but I managed and I'm very very happy with all of the stuff that I've got to show...

Urban Decay - Naked 3 palette
To me, this is the most exciting of the lot! Last year I bought myself the original Naked palette and it's pretty much worn out already. I felt like it was time to switch it up a bit. Where the Naked palette has loads of lovely gold and brown shades, the Naked 3 palette is packed with pinks! I very quickly fell in love with these shades and I find that pinks go quite well with green eyes, which happen to be just what I've got. You can probably tell from the fact that it's the only block thats been dented, but my favourite shade is 'Trick', and it's the most beautiful shimmery rose gold colour. Even thinking about it makes me sigh. I love it so much.

Soap and Glory - Brow Archery 
Oh my j. I have never really been blessed in the brow department. I spent nearly 17 years of my life looking browless because they were just so blonde. But for most of that time, I didn't really care and I didn't see them as that much of a big deal. Eventually, I started to notice that everybody else seemed to have visible eyebrows with actual shape and I thought 'hang on, gotta fix this lads'. I started off slow with random pencils here and there but now I've tried this, I am most certainly never going back. I bought this in the shade 'Brownie Points', which admittedly is quite dark. I'm still trying to decide whether it is actually too dark for my face or whether I'm just not used to it. Anyway, it's a little double ended pencil with a waxy crayon end for shaping and keeping all the little hairs in place, and then a little pen end that tints. I am a big fan of this little guy.

Rimmel - Lasting Finish Powder Foundation
I have never ever worn foundation before. I'm just too scared. But the thing is, I really want to, and I feel like it will help to tie some makeup looks together and make them look more professional. Anyway, I thought I would start off with a powder and see how I get on with it. I went in blind, literally knowing nothing about foundations, and came out with this bad boy. I've got it in 002 soft beige, but honestly, I was testing them all out in Boots and I couldn't see the difference between any of the shades, so I just picked whatever. This is actually a pretty hench product, and it's in a really deep pot and I couldn't work out why. That is, until I dropped it as soon as I walked through the door. I have a history of smashing powders (accidentally of course, as it's completely heartbreaking), but I was SO LUCKY that it survived. It actually popped open the bottom secret hatch with the mirror and sponge, which explains why it's in such a thick pot.

Seventeen - Define and Conquer Contour Kit
Hopped on the bandwagon, didn't I. I have seen so many people raving about how fab this stuff is so I thought i'd give it a go. So far, I've only used it once, and I'm no pro, but it actually worked! It blends nicely and looks really natural. I also really love the packaging, like how it all looks so sleek and smooth. Good stuff.

MAC - Enchanted Eve eyeshadow palette
This was actually a present that my Dad chose for me for christmas, which I was so so so impressed by, because he is so clueless with makeup, and the fact that he thought to go to MAC has actually blown my mind. This palette is home to six beautiful warm brown shades. There's a mixture of shimmers and mattes, and all of them are lovely and silky and perfectly pigmented. I actually think that the two darkest shades would be perfect for filling in brows with, but then again... I'm new to the whole brow thing.

Real Techniques Brushes
I don't need any more makeup brushes. Somebody please remind me next time I begin to hunt some more down. I now have a few more to add to my collection - the 100 arched powder brush, (which is the ridiculously massive, kind of flat one), tapered blush brush (which I was actually in need of), and 201 pointed crease brush (which is ideal for using with the MAC palette because the brush that came with that is pants) These brushes are so lusciously soft and fluffy, and now covered with makeup because I can't stop using them.

Maybelline Coloursensational - Coffe Craze
I am perfectly aware that I have millions of maybelline lipsticks, but I love them. I know I rave about lipsticks far too much, but THEY ARE JUST SO GREAT. I've had my eye on this shade since last summer, but as winter approached, I thought it might be a bit of an inappropriate shade, seeing as its quite light and nude. Oh well, I've got it now and I have been wearing it all through January, so I reckon I'm safe to wear it all year round. 

MAC - Blankety
I never thought that I would ever own any high end makeup in my life, and now here I sit, with two whole MAC lipsticks. I'm abolutely over the moon with these guys. I found this little beauty in duty free, coming back from Arran, (another reason why that trip was so so wonderful) and I've never really heard anybody talk bout this shade before. I thought i'd give it a go anyway, and so I did. So far, I am yet to find any lipstick that I don't like, so I reckon i'll start to branch out more and try new colours, seeing as I have a tendency to stick to pinky nudes, like this one.

If you've got any lipsticks that you love, please let me know in the comments!

Song of the Day - The Hunna // She's Casual


Sunday, 24 January 2016

Living Well One Line A Day

It probably won't come as much of a surprise to you that I'm quite a sentimental person. This is the exact reason why I have fallen in love with this tiny little book. I came across this gem when I was looking through Amazon, wanting to spend a gift voucher, and I was immediately attracted to the intense yellow. I've found that I'm becoming a big fan of yellow, whereas before it was always one of those colours that I would steer well clear of. Anyway, I had a little read about it and decided that I needed it, so three days later, it arrived at my doorstep.
It's called "Living Well One Line A Day - A five year reflection book" and it basically is just that. It has a page dedicated to every date of the year, and each date has a few lines for every year, for five years, leaving a little space for you to scribble in the year. I know it sounds a little bit confusing, but it makes more sense when you see the page below! 
The little introduction in the book suggests that you should write about one thing that makes you happy each day, or a reminder to your future self to keep your head up and stop worrying. I've sort of done this, but also sort of used it as more of a diary, so that next year, or the year after, or even in five years, I will know exactly what I was up to and how I was feeling on this day.
I think this little book is genius, as well as quite possibly being the prettiest thing I own.

Song of the Day - The 1975 // So Far (It's Alright)
