Sunday 24 January 2016

Living Well One Line A Day

It probably won't come as much of a surprise to you that I'm quite a sentimental person. This is the exact reason why I have fallen in love with this tiny little book. I came across this gem when I was looking through Amazon, wanting to spend a gift voucher, and I was immediately attracted to the intense yellow. I've found that I'm becoming a big fan of yellow, whereas before it was always one of those colours that I would steer well clear of. Anyway, I had a little read about it and decided that I needed it, so three days later, it arrived at my doorstep.
It's called "Living Well One Line A Day - A five year reflection book" and it basically is just that. It has a page dedicated to every date of the year, and each date has a few lines for every year, for five years, leaving a little space for you to scribble in the year. I know it sounds a little bit confusing, but it makes more sense when you see the page below! 
The little introduction in the book suggests that you should write about one thing that makes you happy each day, or a reminder to your future self to keep your head up and stop worrying. I've sort of done this, but also sort of used it as more of a diary, so that next year, or the year after, or even in five years, I will know exactly what I was up to and how I was feeling on this day.
I think this little book is genius, as well as quite possibly being the prettiest thing I own.

Song of the Day - The 1975 // So Far (It's Alright)


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