Sunday 8 November 2015

What's in My Bag - Day in London

Woohoo! I'm back!
Next Saturday is a very exciting day, as we're going into London for the day! A few friends and I made a spur of the moment decision to whip into London and visit the V&A museum, and make a few touristy stops at places like Camden along the way. Sooo, I thought I'd show what I would typically bring with me on a day out like this.

The Body Shop - Early-Harvest Raspberry eau De Toilette 
I always like to bring around some kind of smelly spray when I'm going out for a long day, just to make sure I feel fresh, because no one likes feeling gross when you're out and about. I really like this fruity smell and the teeny tiny bottle makes it perfect to fit in your bag without taking up much space.

 Bellapierre - Envy lipstick
If I'm wearing lipstick that day, I'll bring whatever one I've chosen with me, that way I can top up as it inevitably vanishes as the day goes on. I'd never heard of this brand before until I got it as a lovely present for my birthday. I still don't really know much about the brand, but I really love this colour. (I know you can't really see it in the picture, sorry!) It's not a colour that I'd normally opt for, being more of a red toned nude than a brown toned nude, but there you go. It's got a gorgeous velvety finish and it even smells amazing, so an all round perfect lipstick.

Ok, I can't be the only one that seems to have thousands of lip balms and never seems to be able to finish one. This is one of many, floating around in various bags and coats. It's always handy to have some kind of vaseline or something with you, even if it's not for your lips, you never know when you're going to need it...

The Body Shop - Coconut hand cream
Hand cream is another one of those handy things to always have with you. I find that places like the London underground can leave me with pretty dry and gross hands, so it's easy to just slap some on as and when you need it on the go.

A teeny purse can often be useful to carry around with you and helps to keep stuff organised. If you have a massive tardis bag where things just seem to disappear, it can be totally handy to tuck little things like lip balms away and you always know where they are. I also often find myself taking off jewellery during the day, so a purse like this is great for making sure you don't loose it in the depths of your bag. Another use for a purse like this is for hairbands and hair grips. I'm sure most of you will know just how annoying it is to be caught on a windy day with nothing to sort your hair out with, so I just keep a few bands in here and I'm sorted for the day.

Fossil Purse
It's pretty straightforward, most places you go in London will require some sort of spending, so I always have my purse with me.

 I always have my phone with me, wherever I go. Its a compulsive habit. I just kind of feel like I'm not safe without it, especially in places outside of my comfort zone, such as London. I'll definitely be bringing this with me next week.

London is a truly photogenic place, and a constant source of inspiration, so of course I'll be bringing my camera. I reckon I'll bring both a polaroid and my digital camera, because I am planning to make a post about it, but I also love to capture certain moments with a polaroid, as they make things seem so much more special and alive in the picture. I always associate polaroids with specialness, like moments that you really want to last forever, and sort of treasure. For me, a digital camera is a perfect way of preserving a moment, but in a less magical way. Thats why I'll be taking two cameras, which may seem a little excessive, but hey ho.
